Precipitation hardening of Cu-Be alloys
Enrique Rocha-Range, Jos�?�?�?�?�?�?�?© A.Rodr�?�?�?�?�?�?�?guez-Garc�?�?�?�?�?�?�?a, Cons tantin A.Hern�?�?�?�?�?�?�?¡ndez-Bocanegra
ACu-Be alloy type B-534 according to theASTMclassificationwas thermally treated under different aged conditions.Varying the processing temperature (425, 450 and 475°C) and residence times of the alloy at those temperatures (2, 3, 4 and 5h). With these treatments sought to establish the conditions of time and temperature suitable formaximum hardness in the studied alloy. From observations of themicrostructure in conjunctionwithmeasurements of hardness of the alloy, it has that aged treatments at elevated temperatures (450 and 475°C) for longer periods of time to 2h, result in the overaged of the microstructure,which implies the decrease in the hardness of the alloy.Moreover, aged at 425°C requires long period of treatment (5 hours) to achieve adequate and uniformformation of precipitates in the alloy and therefore reasonable hardness in the same.Treatments at 450°C during 2h, allow good training and distribution of precipitates in themicrostructure of the alloy, and the greater hardness of the same.