Pesticide exposure calculation of eggplant farmers in Sta Maria, Pangasinan
Jinky Leilanie Lu
The study was conducted to investigate the exposure of eggplant farmers in Sta. Maria, Pangasinan to various types of pesticides, as well as the risk factors associated with increased pesticide exposure. There was a total of fifty eight farmers interviewed in the conduct of the study coming fromfive communities. Survey questionnaires were used to gather information regarding personal background of the farmers and farming practices. Data showed that 91% of the farmers used Prevathon (chlorantraniliprole). This was followed byMalathion (78%),Mospilan (acetamiprid) (28%), Lannate (methomyl) (22%), and Hosthathion (triazophos) (22%). The pesticideswith the highest amount used in liters were Siga (chlorpyrifos) at 0.53 liters, Triband (chlorphenahyr) at 0.48 liters,Magnum(cypermethrin) at 0.40 liters, Lannate (methomyl) at 0.37 liters, Brodan (chlorpyrifos), Hercules (triazophos), Solomon (imidacloprid + betacyfluthrin + cyclohexane) at 0.26 liters each. The average amount used per application was 0.18 liters (s.d. 0.16). The pesticideswith the highest liter-years of exposure were Solomon (imidacloprid + betacyfluthrin + cyclohexane) at 5.40 liter-years, Lannate (methomyl) at 4.93 liter-years, andMagnum(cypermethrin) at 4.44 liter years. The study further showed that most of the farmers have experienced pesticide spills during application (95%). The body parts that were commonly spilled by pesticideswere the back, legs, arms, shoulders, hands, and face. The other risk factors shown in the data were non use of PPE by farmers (41%), wiping sweat with pesticide-resiude contaminated cloth (50%), spraying against the wind (47%), and re-entering previously sprayed area (48%). Pesticide spillage is also a common experience of farmers.Most of the farmers experienced pesticide spillage due to leaking backpack sprayer (76%), while spraying (72%), and while mixing (74%). The study showed that there is significant exposure to pesticides of various types among eggplant farmers in Pangasinan.