Graphic Analysis of Ginning and Fibre Properties in Cotton (Gossypium spp.)
Saravanan NA and Padmavathi S
Graphic analysis in 7ï‚´7 diallele crosses involving 6 parents of Gossypium hirsutum and one parent of Gossypium barbadense and their 42 F1 hybrids (both direct and reciprocal crosses) were studied in the present investigation. Three ginning properties viz., ginning percentage, seed index and lint index and two fibre properties viz., 2.5 per cent span length and uniformity ratio including seed cotton yield were studied with regard to dominance, epistasis and genetic diversity. The graphic analysis carried out in respect of all these six characters revealed that partial dominant gene action for uniformity ratio, over dominance for ginning percentage and 2.5 per cent span length and complete dominance for seed index and lint index. Seven parents exhibited different properties of dominant and recessive genes for all the five characters studied indicating the wide genetic diversity amongst all the seven parents.