Genetic variability in accession of Lathyrus inconspicuous based on protein analysis on SDS-PAGE
R.H.Sammour, Saffa Radwan, A.El.Koly
Eighteen L. inconspicuous accessions were evaluated for variations in 100 seeds weight, seed proteins content, and electrophoretic patterns of the seed proteins. The 100 seeds weight and seed proteins content ranged between 0.885 g to 1.995 g and 147mg/g seedmeal to 109 mg/g seedmeal respectively, exhibiting a reasonable genetic diversity for these traits. The variation between the seed size of these accessions was attributed to the development process and the environmental condition to which the mother plant is exposed, whereas the variation in total seed proteins content may be due to genotype and/or seasonal influences. Interestingly, there is no correlation between seed proteins content and 100 seeds weight indicating that the two traits are genetically independent. The variation in the electrophoretic pattern located in the regions of the gel contain the bands with molecular weight more than 98 KD, heavy subunits of alphalathyrin subunits and bands with molecular weight around 70KD. Multivariate analysis of SDS-PAGE data showed reasonable genetic variability among the accessions and a low variability among the accessions of the same region. It also showed that the accessions collected from Turkey were distributed between more than on cluster, indicating relatively high variation in the genetic diversity of these accessions. Moreover, it revealed there is no relation between genetic diversity and geographic distribution. The separation of all accessions on the first principal coordinate analysis indicated a good association between accessions which was probably attributed to parallel evolution. Based on genetic diversity between these accessions, improvement through simple selection for these traits is possible.