Fertility variation in two populations of Brutian pine
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Fertility variation, measured as “sibling coefficient”, based on number of two and three year cones were investigated in a plantation population (PP), and a natural population (NP) of Brutian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) sampled from western part of Turkey. The cone production was also correlated by tree height, tree age, and diameter at breast height. The averages of two and three year coneswere 21 and 42 in PP, while theywere 13 and 36 inNP population, respectively. Fertility variationswere 2.04 and 1.98 for two and three year cones in PP and 1.81 and 1.62 inNP, respectively. Coefficients of variations among trees in cone productions were 1.02 and 0.98 for two and three year cones in PP, and 0.90 and 0.79 in NP. The effective number of parents estimated based on the fertilitywere 24.6 (49.1 % of census number) for two year cones, and 25.2 (50.3 % of census number) for three year cones in PP. Theywere 27.6 (55.1%) and 30.9 (61.8 %) in NP. Diameter at breast height had positive and significant (p0.05) effective on cone production, while effects of tree height and age were not significant (p0.05) on that. Results of the study were discussed for silvicultural practices of the species.