Editorial for Vant Hoffs Law in terms of Entropy
Irfan H Loni Jr
On behalf of the Board of Physical Chemistry: An Indian Journal I am glad to recommend the prospective authors to submit their valuable contributions to this journal. As the readers of this journal know, the journal is the most preferred and highly accessed Journal in the field of Physical Chemistry. The Journal is indexed in Directory of Research Journals, CAS, and Google Scholar among many other reputed scientific databases. In many instances, members of the editorial board also prefer to submit their articles. Phys Chem Ind J. encourages editorial board members to actively contribute. However, no special privileges are given to anyone. All scientific manuscripts including editorials are subjected to a peer-review process. The editorial team consisting of associate editors and assistant editors are involved in the entire article cycle starting from submission to final recommendation. The entire review process is carefully structured to minimize the possibility of bias. Phys Chem Ind J functions on principles of scientific excellence, publication ethics, and transparency. It makes mandatory that every article is submitted only through the online manuscript submission.